Do Denver Skunks Belong in the Family of Rodent?

Denver skunks are probably the urban creature that you don’t want to encounter. They have a well-developed sweat gland that enables them to release the obnoxious spray that serves as their primary defense. At least 11 species make up the family of the skunk and 9 of them are located in Western Hemisphere. With their feature and their burrowing habit, you will probably think that the skunk belong in the family of rodent.

Skunks are Not Part of the Rodent Family
Skunks are never related to the rodents. Perhaps the easiest way to tell why they are not associated with rodents is that they do not have the incisors that are growing relentlessly. They only have small canine teeth that are perfectly designed to tear and grind meat. You will notice that almost all types of rodents even those capybaras have protruding teeth that enables them to chew almost anything.

Genera of the Skunks
Skunks are small mammals that will normally be in conflict with humans. They belong under the family of the Mephitidae with order of Carnivora. As we mentioned above, there are at least 11 types of skunks and they have been separated into four different generas. The striped and the hooded skunk belong with the Mephitis. Spotted skunks are under the genera of Spilogale. Stink badger are classified as Mydaus and the hog-nosed skunk is under Conepatus. The two types of the skunk that belongs under the Mydaus can be found in Philippines and Indonesia.

Denver skunks have also been called as polecats due to their striking resemblance with the Mustela Putorius also known as European Polecat. The polecats belong under the family of Mustelidae. Previously, the skunks belong on the sub category of the Mustelidae. In fact, until today, there are still taxonomists that will categorize them under this family. However, based on the most recent research, it was discovered that they are not closely associated with the weasels.

Are Skunks Vermin?
When we refer to the original definition of vermin, we cannot consider them as vermin. The vermin is considered as harmful to the farm animals and they carry diseases. Denver skunks can sometimes be a nuisance but they also play a crucial role in keeping the population of the insects under control. Nonetheless, there are other people that will think of them as vermin since they are possible carrier of rabies. Knowing the right classification of the skunk is imperative, this will enable you to understand if the damages that they can cause will be covered under your home insurance policy. Nonetheless, in order to be covered under the policy, you will have to show evidence that the damages is not caused by a recurring infestation of the skunk. In the event that you noticed the first sign of infestation, you will have to call the service of the professional to deter the skunk activity. This can greatly increase the possibility that you can receive claims from the damages.

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